photo post
You can buy it here
oh my god i love the internet
also I love inside jokes, like, most people wouldn’t get it, but it would be the best inside joke with the people who did oh my god
  • You can buy it here

    oh my god i love the internet

    also I love inside jokes, like, most people wouldn’t get it, but it would be the best inside joke with the people who did oh my god

  • 10 years ago on November 21, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    original post
    626 notes
    1. switchimpulse said: A sports shirt with your Kinsey scale rating. SO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT TEAM YOU PLAY ON
    2. leahclaire reblogged this from unfoldinguniverse
    3. eroticeducation reblogged this from theblackbisexual and added:
      Want one
    4. theblackbisexual reblogged this from duncan-rohanne and added:
      Yep! Buying it for my bday! Done!
    5. addictedtothese reblogged this from thetimesinbetween
    6. allthethingsiloveandwant reblogged this from mylittlespaceontheinternet
    7. maximaherbertblum reblogged this from brittaforthewin
    8. novelty-pineapple reblogged this from bisexuwhaleprlde
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    11. spockvibrates reblogged this from bisexuwhaleprlde
    12. sapphicsugar reblogged this from bisexuwhaleprlde and added:
      I know the Kinsey scale isn’t perfect by any means BUT I REALLY WANT A 4
    13. asinine-genius reblogged this from bisexuwhaleprlde
    14. biforgeandfire reblogged this from bisexuwhaleprlde
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    &. lilac theme by seyche